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Bariatric Surgery Amanda Brainerd Bariatric Surgery Amanda Brainerd

A functional approach: Micronutrient deficiencies after metabolic and bariatric surgery

Deficiencies of micronutrients following metabolic and bariatric surgery can arise from several mechanisms. This includes deficiencies before surgery, reduced food intake post-surgery, malabsorption, and inadequate supplementation. Since those with obesity have a higher risk factor for malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, all patients should be screened and deficiencies corrected pre- and post-surgery.

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Bariatric Surgery Amanda Brainerd Bariatric Surgery Amanda Brainerd

A functional approach: Metabolic and bariatric surgery 

We understand that obesity is a multifactorial disease. We use current treatments that include lifestyle changes in nutrition and physical activity, and behavioral therapy to assist people living with obesity. We also support those considering other effective solutions for those with obesity, including metabolic and bariatric surgery. Our next blog series takes a deep dive into what metabolic and bariatric surgery is, how we support both those considering surgery and who have already undergone surgery through a functional nutrition perspective.

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